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Automated Portfolio Managment and Advanced Robotic Trading System ( features updated Dec 2023):
* sets stop limits on all positions, before the start bell and monitors till end bell (best loser, lose the least)
* replaces stop sell orders with sell trail stop orders based on p/l configuration
* automatic avg down on p/l below 0
* fund usages are adjusted based on market conditions index changes
* sell limit orders are based on pl and average cost of the position and not based on ask as there could be a lag on alerts specially during after hours earning and premarket gapups/plays!
* automatic moving of stop limit higher based on p/l and mva
* automatic buy stop limit based on moving averages
* main feature - continuous equity stock trading and p/l monitor to realize gains discovered
* main feature - never sell any losses unless previous avg down order has reached a threshold for partial gain realization. automatic average down system
* main feature- very important here. for those speculative and chartist..this is where you put limit on your orders that match your chart upper band limit and you will bypass robot aggressive selling and that position will be like a swing trade till it hits your upper limit , no stop limit at this time or needed with small qty bot engages in.
* bot does all necessary day trading and holding during average down before breakout
* processes automatically around 500-2000 orders per day for each accounts
* bot places orders starting at 4:00am till 5pm continuously as buy/sell signals are processed
* trade picks categories been designed for processing of various indexes and stock sectors and conditions
* bot places various types of buy with stop limit and stop trails at any initial opening positions
* when bot sees gains , then original trail will be removed and a new tighter trail stop will be placed..also it can sense stops and change them to trails. close trail stop automatically is placed for close positions
* MarketSignal has 3 running bots :main marketsignal engine bot where alerts are processed and sent to 2 accounts and 2 p/l monitor where they execute orders as well for 2 accounts
* orders are based on alerts that are triggered by stock moves breaking moving averages and filters configured based on strategies
* sellall - gets all account positions and filters ones with no open orders, will check qty held and sell all
* buy stop order changed from limit to market stop
* stop limit order - stop limit changed to stop market
* selleasy - sell one position without any open orders
* existing open order monitors and cleanup before 6:30 and after 1pm
* new buy order checks if position is not held, before buy , if held check p/l and then avg down
* place order, fetch last order id
* extended hours buy/sell limit
* automatic shorting/alert triggers
* places trailstop on all position with no open orders- closetrlall.py
* places trailstop on one position with no open orders - closetrstp.py
* Calculate each position and entire portfolio open profit/loss - not correct due to after hours and stock price miscalculation of ToS
* closestopall , closetrstop, closetrlall
* short.py, shortstop.py and shortbuyall.py
* auto short trail
* routine to check p/l and then replace existing stop order and change it to trail stop order
* routine to locate position and working stop order for position and cancel order and replace with sell order
* portfolio p/l monitors and auto sell and realize gains
* portfolio p/l auto avg down mechanism and reduce unrealized losses
* portfolio auto partial sell if auto avg was done previously to realize portions of the gains
* index monitor for s&p500, dow, nasdaq and russell to engage shorting
* avg down only occurs if certain p/l loss is disovered and MVA crossover alert signal has processed
* fund limits allows enough cash to be avaiable for avg down and shorting and manual trades desired
* bot went through 2 months of ups and down of the market and was able to recover without realizing much losses, we still monitoring the worst situations where bot has to make even more adjustement to have more cash available and trades specific equity to recover quickly. this is under microscope durin winter 2022
* weekly standup where bot is under performance review and repeatablity tests and where it has to realize specific gain requirement,daily,weekly or monthly and yearly... tracking since Nov 2022 where we put robot in full automation
* gap up , upgrade list, top losses added to bots
* auto filtering of large spread between bid and ask from trading
* automatic openlist (exlude list maintained by control panel) and filtered from p/l monitor bot closer
* automatic upgrade list capture and filter from p/l monitor bot closer
* options alerts/ automated options trading
* control panel for daily throttles on fund usage where avg down and shorting also are controlled
* toplosses
* dashboard